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Office phone +34 91 148 8267

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Business Park Europa Empresarial

C/Rozabella 8,

Edificio Paris, oficina 12

28250 Las Rozas (Madrid)


MeX turns any SEM into a 3D measurement device

MeX is a stand alone software package that turns any SEM with digital imaging into a true surface metrology device. Using stereoscopic images the software automatically retrieves 3D information and presents a highly accurate, robust and dense 3D dataset which is then used to perform traceable metrology examination. The results are obtained irrespective of the SEM magnification providing metrology at macro and micro levels. No additional hardware is necessary to run MeX and it can be used with any SEM. Due to the unique AutoCalibration routine the calibration data is automatically refined. Thereby only MeX enables traceable 3D measurements at any magnification in the SEM.

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