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Business Park Europa Empresarial

C/Rozabella 8,

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Ultimate resolution and excellent performance at low 
beam energies for nanocharacterization

The TESCAN S9000 is a powerful analytical tool for ultimate surface characterization of nanomaterials and sample microcharacterization. The TESCAN S9000 features the Triglav™ SEM column for ultra-high resolution with excellent performance, especially at low electron beam energies. It also includes an improved in-beam detection system with filtering electron signal collection capabilities that expands the possibilities to new contrasts and enhanced surface sensitivity. In addition, this microscope is fitted with a FE Schottky gun capable of generating high currents up to 400 nA, which coupled with an excellent performance and stability of the Triglav™ SEM column, provides the best conditions for microanalysis and lengthy applications for sample characterization.

It is the outstanding performance at low beam energies, and the variety of image contrasts, which make the TESCAN S9000 an ideal system for imaging all type of non-conductive samples, such as ceramics or uncoated biological specimens, as well as beam sensitive samples that are increasingly common in the semiconductor industry or research of new materials. The TESCAN S9000 is controlled by the new TESCAN Essence™ SW interface, designed with a user-friendly, application-oriented, customizable layout, and SW modules, all features aimed at maximizing control and throughput with exceptional ease.
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